Dosing Pumps
OMEL offers a complete line of metering pumps designed and manufactured to efficiently and safely meet small, medium, and large-scale applications in the most diverse industrial sectors. They provide precise dosing and can be modulated horizontally in up to 6 dosing heads, independently regulated with the pump stopped in operation.

DMP Dosing Pump
Developed from the NSP line of pumps, the DMP pump is a compact, mechanically driven piston metering pump. Its robust, monobloc construction allows for the modular assembly of up to 6 heads, which can be adjusted independently with the pump stopped or in operation.
Capacity: _____________________________ up to 1.040 L/h (per head)
Pressure: _________________________________ up to 328 bar
Modularity: __________________________ up to 6 heads
Temperature: ____________________________ up to 80ºC

DMD Dosing Pump - DMD/M - DMD/G
DMD series metering pumps are compact pumps with a monobloc design. They feature a mechanically actuated elastomeric diaphragm, a sealed metering head and a robust reduction mechanism. To meet the operating conditions, the pumps can be horizontally modulated into up to 6 metering heads, which can be adjusted independently when the pump is stopped or running.
Capacity: _____________________________ up to 1,050 L/h (per head)
Pressure: _________________________________ uo to 10 bar
Modularity: __________________________ up to 6 heads (3 heads for DMD/G)
Temperature: ___________________________ 0ºC ~ +80ºC (metal head)
Temperature: ___________________________ 0ºC ~ +50ºC (plastic head)

NSP Dosing Pump
Diaphragm type process dosing machines, for high pressure and temperature with hydraulic drive and oil bath reducer. They have plastic or metal diaphragms, adjustment from 10% to 100% and repeatability up to 1%.
Capacity: _____________________________ up to 5,500 L/h (per head)
Pressure: _________________________________ up to 340 bar
Temperature: ____________________________ -40ºC ~ + 400ºC

NSP/P Metering Pump
NSP/P pumps are hydraulic piston metering pumps with a reducer operating in an oil bath. They are used for high-precision services with a maximum theoretical capacity that can vary linearly from 10% to 100%, allowing for dosages with errors of up to 1%.
Capacity: _____________________________ up to 33,600 L/h (per head)
Pressure: _________________________________ up to 350 kgf/cm2
Temperature: ____________________________ -40ºC ~+400ºC

Metering Pump NSP/M - NSP/MP
This is a series of small-capacity metering pumps with hydraulically balanced diaphragms, which isolate the pumped product from the mechanical part of the pump. They can also be built in piston versions (NSP/MP). Maximum theoretical capacity can vary linearly from 20 to 100%, allowing dosing with errors of up to 1%. The drive is hydraulic and the mechanical part works in an oil bath.
Capacity: _____________________________ 0,26 ~ 13 L/h (per head)
Pressure: _________________________________ up to 200 bar
Temperature: ____________________________ -40ºC ~+400ºC

Pulsation Dampeners
OMEL NSP and NSP/P series metering pumps provide a pulsating flow due to their reciprocating positive displacement characteristics. OMEL has two types of dampers specially developed to be coupled to these pump series. The basic function of OMEL Pulsation Dampers is to eliminate these pulsations in metering pump applications, linearizing the fluid displacement flow which will become practically continuous.
Applications and Market
OMEL Pumps and Compressors constantly invests in technological innovations, offering high-quality solutions that meet the efficiency and safety needs of its clients’ applications in the most varied market segments.
OMEL Original Parts and Technical Assistance
Get your pump repaired by the manufacturer!
By choosing OMEL’s after-sales service, you can count on the factory warranty, trained technicians, complete reports to diagnose the need for replacement parts, automated processes for manufacturing high-quality parts, and final performance tests to release pumps and instruments. With the safety, durability, and reliability of products repaired by OMEL, you will have excellent results in your industrial process and reduced operating costs.
Discover more OMEL products
OMEL offers a wide range of high-quality products for various applications. Products offered include centrifugal pumps, vacuum pumps, metering pumps, roots blowers, ring compressors, rotameters, vacuum systems, and pinch valves.

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